Australasian Institute of Minerals Valuers & Appraisers
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Certified Mineral ValuerCertified Professional Appraiser

Membership No. MAIMVA - 003

Ekos Research Pty Ltd


Tel: 02 9887 4176
Mobile: 0400 737 045
Skype ID: Carlos.Sorentino


PhD, MEnvSt, BE(Chemical), DipRadTech

Prof Memberships:

Fellow, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (FAusIMM, 1987), Member, Mineral Industry Consultants Association (MMICA, 1990), Chartered Professional (Management, 2000), Chartered Professional (Environment, 2000), Member, American Chemical Society (MACS, 2010)

Positions Held and Awards:

Chairman, Mineral Industry Consultants Association Inc., 2000 to 2006, Vice Chairman, Mineral Industry Consultants Association Inc., 2007 to 2012, Foundation Chairman, Board of Chartered Professionals of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2000 to 2006, Member, Board of Chartered Professionals of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2006 to 2009, Member, Institute of Engineers Australia and Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Joint Board, 2005 to 2009, Member, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Ethics Committee, 2000 to 2010, Member, Mining Department Planning Committee, Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong, 2005 to 2008, Honorary Associate, Department of Human Geography, Macquarie University, 1999 to the present.

Personal Profile

Dr. Carlos Sorentino is an engineering and resources’ economist specialising in the analysis of capital decisions in the mining sector, the economic evaluation of business, the quantitative analysis of risk of existing and new ventures and in complex economic and corporate studies.

Carlos is the Principal of Ekos Research Pty Ltd, a firm of independent consultants, technical auditors and resource asset valuers to the international mining and quarrying industries.

Over the last twenty years, Carlos has researched, developed and published a comprehensive set of risk analysis methodologies to quantify the uncertainties of investing in the resources and energy sectors. These advanced, state-of-the-art quantitative methodologies apply to

  • the valuation of mineral assets, exploration properties and mining projects,
  • the modelling of capital decisions under uncertainty,
  • the evaluation of stochastic business risks,
  • the benchmarking of business performance,
  • the operational analysis and optimisation of costs and revenues, and
  • business profitability analysis.

Carlos commodities’ experience includes uranium, iron ore, hard rock gold, mineral sands, bauxite, phosphate, borates, evaporitic resources, lithium and rare earths. Carlos has published a large number of technical papers in peer-reviewed journals on valuation subjects, ethics and professional liability and presented at many international conferences.

Dr Sorentino's doctoral dissertation was in the field of mineral economics on the topic of uranium supply and demand economics. He also has a Master of Environmental Studies degree, a Bachelor of Engineering (Chemistry) degree and a Diploma in Radioisotopes Technology. He is a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, a Member of the International Association of Energy Economists, a member of the Mineral Industry Consultants Association and a member of the American Chemical Society.

Carlos began his professional career in 1966, in the chemical industry where he specialised in operations management and quality assurance. Carlos joined the mining sector more than three decades ago, in 1979, when he was commissioned to design and implement the environmental management systems for the largest uranium mine in Australia, then being developed a task demanding extensive planning and liaison within and outside the company to ensure that mine construction and operation would conform with best practicable technology while taking due consideration of economic and social factors.

In 1980, Dr Sorentino joined the Australian operations of Denison Mines Limited of Canada, initially for the integrated development of the Koongarra Uranium Project and in 1987 he became Chief Executive of the Australia group.

In July 1988 Dr Sorentino joined the Macquarie University Minerals and Energy Economics Centre where he developed postgraduate courses in Econometrics, Mineral Economics, Energy Economics and Mineral Valuation. He also developed and introduced the first course in Australia dedicated to the quantitative analysis of economics risks in the resources industry. He is in the faculty of the Western Australian School of Mines (Kalgoorlie) and of the University of Wollongong.

Dr Sorentino regularly advises government authorities and public companies on resource and environmental economics, mining and environmental policy and risk evaluation of capital decisions.

Areas of Practice

Mine and Mineral Property Valuation,Project Company Appraisals Audits,Resource/Reserve Estimation,Project Technical Reviews Audits and Due Diligence Studies,Project Appraisals - mineral processing,Project Appraisals - environmental

Commodity Experience

Beach sands and heavy minerals,Gold Silver,Iron ore manganese chrome,Uranium,Rare earths,Industrial minerals - construction material,Industrial minerals - evaporites,Industrial minerals - other

Country Experience

PNG,Indonesia,Southern Africa,Canada,United States,Central America incl Mexico,Chile,Peru,South America - other

Australian States