Application for Membership
AIMVA is the professional association representing Minerals Valuers and Appraisers practicing in the mineral industry primarily in Australasia. Membership of AIMVA is open to individuals who demonstrate a high level of professional competence in the production of reliable and credible mineral asset valuations and appraisals. Membership of AIMVA will provide you with appropriate recognition by your professional peers, by significant market regulators and by kindred professional bodies.
Application Process
- Before starting the online application you should gather together the following supporting information and files:
- You will need the names of three (3) Corporate Members of AIMVA (or, if this is not possible, of professionals of comparable standing), who must be familiar with your qualifications, experience and probity. They should be able to substantiate a significant proportion of your curriculum vitae and have confirmed to you that they are prepared to sponsor you as a reputable professional.
- Passport-style Photo - this should be an image file format such as a JPG. Dimensions: at least 140px wide and 180px high.
- Profile Statement - as a text file (TXT) or word document (DOC, DOCX) ready to upload. Please limit to around 300 words. This statement will appear in the AIMVA Register as your Member Profile, and should be a short overview promoting your skills and experience. The content will be reviewed and edited at AIMVA's discretion prior to publication on the AIMVA website.
- Proof of Qualification(s) - scanned or copied images of certificate(s). For multiple qualifications, please zip together into one (1) file.
- Curriculum Vitae - this file will be made publicly available for download by general public. PDF format preferred.
- Complete the online application
- Once your application has been received and all supporting documentation verified, your application will be reviewed by the boardand you will be notified by email of the outcome.
- Upon acceptance as a Member of AIMVA, you will be invoiced for your Annual Subscription. Upon payment, your entry in the AIMVA Register will be made public and you will also be granted access to the secure membership area.
Sponsor Details
Four Files ready to upload
Reminder of Membership Requirements:
To qualify as a Member of AIMVA you must be of good ethical character and:
- Hold at least a Bachelor degree qualification located at level 7 of the Australian Qualifications Framework, issued by a recognised accrediting authority, as defined by the Office of the Australian Qualifications Framework Council; and
- A minimum of 10 years equivalent of full time experience working in the profession in which you have graduated;
- A minimum of 10 years equivalent of full time experience in mineral asset valuation or appraisal to qualify, respectively as a Certified Mineral Valuer or as a Certified Professional Appraiser;
- A minimum of 5 years equivalent of full time experience in any other Area of Practice for which you may be seeking registration;
- To nominate experience in a Commodity as an entry in the Register you must have a minimum of six month’s equivalent of full-time experience in that commodity;
- To nominate experience in a Country as an entry in the Register you must have a minimum of eight weeks equivalent ‘on the ground’ experience; and
- To nominate experience in an Australian State or Territory as an entry in the Register you must have had extensive experience (not less than 1 year equivalent) working in that State or Territory.
Contact Us
Australasian Institute of Minerals Valuers & Appraisers
75 Melba Drive, East Ryde, NSW 2113