What are the benefits to you and your prospective clients if you join AIMVA?
- You will be grouped and identified with expert peers of high repute who are recognised as being practitioners at the top of their profession and who belong to a professional body that is bound by a strict Code of Ethics.
- Successful applicants will receive appropriate Recognition by their peers, the significant market regulators and kindred professional bodies, since AIMVA membership will be an indicator of your high level of professional competence to produce reliable and credible mineral asset appraisals and valuations.
- Your name and professional expertise will be entered on the AIMVA Register. Being easily searchable on the Internet (able to be found and interrogated by the common web browsers) you can be easily found by prospective local and international clients. Register content will be determined by the Board, but it initially includes such items as Areas of Expertise, a Curriculum Vitae, Membership Grade, Contact Details and whether the member is prepared to act as an Expert Witness. A Register entry may assist demonstration, under the ATO Personal Services Income tests, that you are advertising, actively seeking and available for work globally, from the public and other Minerals Industry participants.
- You will have the potential to be referred work when prospective clients contact the AIMVA Secretariat for specific assistance with finding a relevant and appropriate mineral property appraiser & valuer.
- You will have access to a large and comprehensive Valuation Bibliography and a Valuation Glossary, which are significant data resources for a practitioner in mineral property appraisal & valuation.
- You will have access to a searchable historical Database of Mineral Property Transactions (for selected commodities) that will assist AIMVA valuers in the use of the Comparable Sales/Transactions Method of mineral property valuation.
- You will have access to a Mineral Valuation Handbook (loose-leaf for quick updating) that provides a wide range of data and information for minerals appraisers & valuers, especially on practical assessment and valuation methodological issues.
- You will have access to a representative list of competitively priced and Minerals Industry-targeted Professional Indemnity Insurance [PII] schemes (compiled by the Board) that could assist members in finding a PII provider. Holding relevant PII may assist demonstration, under the ATO Personal Services Income tests, that you are responsible for and liable to remedy your work as a consultant.
- You will have access to a Mentor Panel composed of senior expert minerals appraisers & valuers to assist all members with any complex technical or ethical queries.
- AIMVA Members are entitled to use the post-nominal 'MAIMVA' and may add 'CMV' [Certified Mineral Valuer], if qualified. These post-nominals identify you as an expert minerals appraiser and/or valuer with more than 10 years' specific experience. A Member with not less than 20 years' experience may be elected a Fellow [FAIMVA]. Associate Members [AAIMVA] are those members with not less than 10 years experience, but have yet to attain the required minimum 5 years' experience in the relevant Areas of Practice.
- All financial member categories will receive a regular AIMVA Newsletter (incorporating a Journal section that contains peer-reviewed submitted and invited papers) that keeps members abreast of general technical assessment and mineral asset valuation developments; updates on valuation legal cases; ethical issues; progress with global harmonisation of relevant Australasian Codes of Best Practice (eg, JORC & VALMIN Codes); and CPD opportunities with relevant conference updates.
- All members will benefit professionally and financially from the lobbying/representation and advocacy, at the national and global level, by AIMVA delegates participating on various committees formulating Codes of best practice and new legislation that will affect you; especially through planned liaison meetings with national regulators (eg, ASIC/FMA, ASX/NZX & ATO/IRD).
- You will have access to assistance with general fee-setting principles, debt recovery and Client Documentation Templates (including Confidentiality Clauses, Disclaimers, Restrictions on Use, etc).
- You will have access to a simpler, cost effective Dispute Settlement Regime (eg, between consultant-client & consultant-consultant).
- You can attend Appraisal & Valuation Conferences run by AIMVA at reduced member rates.
- You can attend specialised CPD Courses that are run by AIMVA at reduced member rates.
- You will have access to recent case law decisions involving mineral property valuation issues.
- Ultimately, the clients of AIMVA's membership get quality assurance in respect of your professional services ie, the valuation recipients have a credible and reliable report to use in the marketplace.
Contact us for more information
Contact Us
Australasian Institute of Minerals Valuers & Appraisers
75 Melba Drive, East Ryde, NSW 2113